

This year’s meeting was held in conjunction with Tokyo National Museum’s 150th anniversary celebrations. The meeting began with a discussion on how academic and other international exchanges between TNM and museums outside of Japan could be expanded. Participants also exchanged opinions on diversity and inclusion, which are major topics at museums across the world, and discussed how to present Japanese art and culture from diverse perspectives.

話題提供:東京国立博物館 学芸企画部企画課国際交流室長 楊 鋭
First Topic: Tokyo National Museum’s 150th Anniversary and Future International Exchange
Introduced by Yanagi Ei (Head of International Relations, Tokyo National Museum)
話題提供:ボストン美術館 ウィリアム・アンド・ヘレン・パウンズ主任学芸員(日本美術) アン・ニシムラ・モース氏
Second Topic: Diversity and Inclusion and Its Impact on Curatorial Work
Introduced by Anne Nishimura Morse (William and Helen Pounds Senior Curator of Japanese Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston)
日付 2023年2月10日(金)
会場 オンライン開催
議長兼進行 松嶋 雅人(東京国立博物館)
参加者 北米:14名、欧州:14名、アジア・オセアニア:3名、日本:28名
Date Friday, February 10, 2023
Venue Held Online
Chairperson and Moderator Matsushima Masato (Tokyo National Museum)
Participants North America: 14, Europe: 14, Asia/Oceania: 3, Japan: 28